Bentley Instruments

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Innovation, the driving force behind our philosophy

Founded in 1982 by Bent Lyder in the city of Chaska, Minnesota, USA, Bentley Instruments Inc. specializes in the development, production and worldwide distribution of instruments for the analysis of the physicochemical and hygienic composition of milk and dairy products. Bentley Instruments SARL, the group’s Western European subsidiary, was set up in 2001 and is located in Lille and Maroeuil (France).

“Our solutions are continually being envisioned and developed to set the standards of reliability, precision and ease of use for the dairy industry. Bentley Instruments has always been at the forefront of progress. Our engineers have pioneered the philosophy of computer control of milk analysis equipments by combining standard computer electronics with rugged instruments to improve and simplify laboratory analysis. We were also the first, back in 1991, to start using flow cytometry for the analysis of milk hygienic quality with the BactoCount and Somacount bacteria and somatic cells counters. This technology has now become an international standard and is used worldwide by the majority of laboratories. The BactoCount was the first instrument to be ISO 16140 certified as an alternative method to the ISO 4833 reference method for the enumeration of the total flora in raw milk. By implementing these new technologies, Bentley Instruments has become a major player in analytical instrumentation for the dairy industry.”

Pierre BroutinCEO Western Europe

More than 35 years of presence and experience

Our mission and understanding of the customer-supplier relationship have remained the same through out the evolution of the dairy sector:

  • Development of innovative, scalable, high-performance, reliable and long-lasting analytical solutions for the dairy industry,
  • Excellent technical support with a high level of commitment from our teams in order to guarantee operational conditions on a daily basis,
  • Establishment of a daily partnership to assist the laboratories in the development of their activity.

Through our innovations, we have gained a strong recognition and presence on the specialized market of milk and dairy products analysis. Today we export more than 70% of our analyzers, with a constant increase of market share.

Your success is our first priority

The success of our users is our first priority. In order to guarantee solutions that meet your requirements, we focus on six major points:

Quality: Our instruments are robust, open and upgradable to fit your needs and support your growth over the long term.

Simplicity: we envision and develop all our instruments to be simple and intuitive to use and maintain.

Innovation: our internationally recognized and protected expertise in the field of dairy analysis offers exclusive solutions at the cutting edge of technology.

Customization: located near Lille (France), our European R&D Center is specialized in the development of new analytical and automation solutions. Our R&D team is also qualified to conduct feasibility studies in order to develop solutions tailored to your needs.

Assistance: our technical team guarantees daily operation and a high level of commitment. We provide all types of services: phone and Internet support, preventive or curative maintenance…

ROI: our instruments determine the fine composition of milk and dairy products and give the dairy testing laboratories the power to streamline their production.

A service entirely dedicated to your success

Bentley Instruments is only focused on the dairy industry to best meet the challenges of laboratories and companies in the sector. We have built our reputation on the foundation of a high quality service support. We are focused on improving the operational efficiency of each of our customers.

Our service is based on three fundamental aspects:

  • Reliable instruments: Bentley Instruments specializes in producing robust, easy-to-use and reliable instruments. They have all been developed to ensure their durability over time.
  • Technical assistance: our technical team has a high level of commitment and guarantees daily operation. By phone, Internet, online platform, or on site, our technicians will assist you to quickly diagnose and solve potential hardware and sofwtare issues in order to maintain optimal laboratory productivity.
  • Local representatives: Our representatives in over 60 countries also guarantee local service and support.

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