Über Verkäufer
Welcome to the KOMET homepage.
We manufacture and sell vacuum packaging machines for the packaging and protection of all kinds of
products in close collaboration with specialised retailers and machine users.
Specialised retailers and users are our customers and as such they are the focal point of all our efforts and energies. Our role consists in satisfying customer requirements and expectations for our mutual benefit.
Thanks to our worldwide distribution in a wide range of sectors and applications exclusively via specialised retailers, we have the right experience and contact persons for any type of customer application. This information provides us with problem-solving skills when it comes to vacuum packaging.
The satisfaction of our customers is the standard by which the quality of our work is measured. That's why we
are always looking for the best and most economical solutions and jointly implementing them. Thanks to this consistent networking with the customers and our in-house development and production, KOMET is a trendsetting company with a leading edge over the competition.
Our vacuum packaging machines facilitate better protection for products thus prolonging their shelf life. The losses which the user would incur without the vacuum packaging are therefore minimised and this means increased profits.
We aim to gain permanent international market leadership as problem solvers in the vacuum packaging
machine industry. The expansion of our product range and diversification into other markets should be another factor in securing this position.
Employees, managers and contractors alike, we each make an individual contribution to the success of the company in terms of our character and service. It is according to these principles that we control all the activities
of our company. That's the way we do business.
We hope that you can find all the information you require. We will be only too pleased to give you a quotation
or to send you brochures about our vacuum packaging machines.
Yours faithfully,
The KOMET team
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