Очиститель от кожуры паром SPB
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Steam pressure peeling machine SPB

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Boema S.p.A. manufactures steam pressure peeling machines SPB that work in batch according to a cycle subdivided into six phases exploiting the principle of the pressure drop.

Steam pressure peeling machine SPB
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Boema S.p.A. manufactures steam pressure peeling machines SPB that work in batch according to a cycle subdivided into six phases exploiting the principle of the pressure drop. The advantages of the steam pressure peeling method studied by Boema are several:

  • high yield according to the quality of the product peeled and independent from the shape of the singular pieces;
  • relatively high capacity;
  • quick and easy adjustment;
  • preserving of organoleptic features (taste and flavour of fruit, in particular if compared with soda peeling);
  • reduced processing cost;
  • ecological peeling both for the absence of chemical substances as for the low quantity of organic matter in the process waste waters.