Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
  • Immersion chilling
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Immersion chilling

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The oldest chilling method and one that is still widely used, is immersion chilling.

Immersion chilling


This system offers comparatively fast chilling in a compact space. Immersion chillers can be equipped with screws or paddles. Meyn manufactures and supplies only screw chillers, as these are the only immersion systems allowed in Europe.

Immersion chilling is an off-line system that does not allow automatic weighing before and after chilling. Immersion chillers use little floor space, are very energy efficient and are built to the same exacting standards of quality, reliability and durability as all Meyn equipment, yet are a low investment option. Meyn can supply screw chilling configurations, both 1,600 and 2,100 mm wide, for any required capacity.

Immersion chilling can be applied to both soft and hard scalded products (birds with or without epidermis). The screw transports the birds in a counter flow through the cold water to maximise the temperature difference between product and chill medium. In order to increase the contact of the products with the cold water, Meyn screw chillers are equipped with agitation systems.

The process can be accomplished using just tap water with or without flaked ice or prechilled water to create lower temperatures in the immersion bath. Meyn supplies complete standalone falling film water chillers capable of lowering the temperature of the tap water to 1°C. This process can result in product weight increase by means of a controllable water pick-up. An increase of up to 12% can be achieved.