Discard Mill
  • Discard Mill
  • Discard Mill
  • Discard Mill
  • Discard Mill
  • Novo

Discard Mill

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Discard Mill is used for grinding of the wafer fractions generated during production.

Discard Mill


It is designed for reducing the waste ratio of production process. The granulated product can then be used again in the cream production process depending to the receipt. The machine consists of 2 main sections : The wafer wastes are chopped in coarse pieces at the first section and then they are grinded in granules at the second section in order to be ready for use.

The granules can be reduced down to a thickness of 120 micron. The machine is made of stainless steel to maintain the hygiene. The wasted wafers are loaded manually from the top side of the machine through a hinged lid to keep the operator away from the moving parts. The grinded products are taken from the lateral outlet of the machine as collected within the plastic trolleys. Grinding blades and product contact areas are designed to be cleaned easily. The Discard Mill is simple to operate and maintain, yet highly effective.

Technical details : The machine, which can perform a waste conversion of 130 kg. per hour, has an energy consumption of 7,5 Kw