CM18 roasted seeds and nuts pre-grinder
  • CM18 roasted seeds and nuts pre-grinder
  • CM18 roasted seeds and nuts pre-grinder
  • Novo

CM18 roasted seeds and nuts pre-grinder

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The most compact pre-grinder in our range is the CM18. 

CM18 roasted seeds and nuts pre-grinder
Novo produto


This machine is ideal for continuous pre-grinding of roasted nuts and seeds with a high fat content.

The CM18 has a good spreading ability which means it is perfect for use in a continuous process, resulting in an optimal particle size distribution of refined particles in a single pass.
A hopper for feeding the CM18 with roasted seeds and nuts can be connected as an option.

The capacity of the CM18 can be up to 500 kg/h at an end-fineness of about 120 microns.