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Fluid Freeze
Fluid Freeze has possibility to have all fans equipped with VLT frequency converters, enabling and providing continual change of fan speed
Fluid Freeze has possibility to have all fans equipped with VLT frequency converters, enabling and providing continual change of fan speed, in range of 0-150% of nominal sped (at 50 Hz), which ensures maximum of flexibility in adjustment of fan speed and working conditions in freezer. This provides maximum of flexibility in adjustment to any specific technology and product, giving possibility to fluidize and handle practically all, even very heavy products;
Fluid Freeze is equipped with long in feed vibrating dewatering conveyor, with net of special longitudinal profiles, which provides extremely efficient product dewatering before entering freezer, and perfect product distribution over entire belt width. Vibrator “nose”, entering the freezer (minus temperatures), is equipped with built-in special heating panel and temperature control, preventing ice-forming;
Fluid Freeze complete system is operated and controlled through touch-screen panel mounted on electrical board, providing very simple access and control of all freezer parameters and functions. Freezer work and operation is controlled by built-in central computer system;
During non-stop continuous work with ASR (Automatic Air Snow Removal System for continuous snow – frost removal from the coils), even after few day’s of continuous work coils hasn’t been blocked with ice and snow, enabling freezer to work with full capacity, which is extremely important detail during fruit or vegetable season;
Fluid Freeze specific construction and machinery disposition inside the freezer, and completely controlled air flow, provide that all snow (frost) removed from the coils during freezer work, is settled on the floor under the coils (in easy-accessible and large “room”). This prevents any snow flow to the products, and obtains better quality of final product;
We are also delivering Air Compressor and Air Dryer (optional – quoted separately), with it’s own automatics and control. It supplies ASR with compressed and dried air, and it includes additional air cooler and puffer tank, as well as several filtering groups and quick condense removal systems.
Thanks to adequate dimensioning and built-in new system solutions, Fluid Freeze has exceptionally good operation results, as well as final product quality, which has been confirmed by our clients experience;
Built-in Video monitoring (always included in basic configuration) of complete process inside the freezer, consists of two special cameras foreseen for work at the temperatures inside the freezer, placed inside the freezer, and two colour monitors places beside electric panel. This drastically reduces necessity for entering freezer during the work and enables continuous monitoring and control of product flow. Inside the freezer are (optionally) built in air flow deflectors, providing settlement of the waste taken by air flow.
Optionally we are quoting specially designed built-in waste removal wire mesh conveyor belt, also entirely made of stainless steel, for removal of the waste (extremely light small product particles, possibly contained in specific products) taken by air stream from the product.
All built-in components from commercial purpose are firmed by most famous world manufacturers (all realized and in protection for extreme working conditions inside the freezer – up to IP 65 and Tropical execution).
Since entire machinery (including powerful fans – turbines, as well as bearings with housings!) is manufactured in stainless steel, we are using all this material produced by the most famous world manufacturers.
– WAVE MAKER, device build-in in first plenum chamber, making air waves and separating stripy products, preventing clumps forming.
– EVAPORATOR coils with tubes entirely in stainless steel (optional)
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