RATIO-TOP The open smoke generator
  • RATIO-TOP The open smoke generator
  • RATIO-TOP The open smoke generator
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RATIO-TOP The open smoke generator

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The RATIO-TOP smoke generator offers unbeatable flexibility at very low wood chips consumption.

RATIO-TOP The open smoke generator
Novo produto


The RATIO-TOP smoke generator offers unbeatable flexibility at very low wood chips consumption. The freely selectable smoke stages from slight to intensive smoke enable you to customise the aroma, preservation and colouration to your specific product's needs. No matter if you produce broiled sausage or darkly smoked goods: The RATIO-TOP has good reasons for being the smoke generator that sees the most use world-wide.

Advantages at a glance

  • Short smoking times by quick production of highest smoke concentration
  • Variable smoke intensity
  • Diverse smoke aromas and colour nuances
  • TOPs available in the control:
    TOP 1: Light smoke
    TOP 2: Medium smoke
    TOP 3: Intensive smoke
  • Best, uniform product quality in colour and flavour
  • Low costs, economic consumption of smoking material
  • The grain size of the wood chips is 4 – 12 mm (KL 2/16)
  • Automatic cleaning aid