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HISTORY OF SIEBECK GMBH The foundation stone for the 110-year old company SIEBECK from Eberbach was laid by Otto Siebeck in 1907 with the acquisition of the shutdown horsehair spinning mill Sigmund und Maas. Just before the 1st World War the production was expanded with the manufacture of roofer shoes. At that time these were used as inexpensive work shoes, above all in the mines of the Ruhr region. During the war, as production essential for the war effort mainly tension twines for the artillery were manufactured. In 1924, after the end of the 1st World War, a new building could be constructed in order to meet the growing demand for sisal harvesting twine. During the course of the next decade, sisal developed to become the main product of the company SIEBECK. In 1927 the production of camel hair slippers began and the Schuhfabrik Otto Siebeck was founded. The company Siebeck was also affected by the horror of the NS period. As the war progressed, the rationalisation and the missing raw materials were noticed first. Consequently the production of the camel hair slippers had to be discontinued, and in this time the baler twines were not made from sisal, rather from paper. After the end of the 2nd World War the loss of the sales regions situated in East Germany lead to a drastic reduction in the demand for sisal products, which were ultimately discontinued in 1956. For this reason the production and the sale of slippers resumed after the war was intensified and expanded with women’s shoes. In 1968 the increased import of shoes from “Low-wage countries” ultimately ensured for a reorientation. From this moment on SIEBECK begins to concentrate on the development, production and marketing of tying machines. Since this time SIEBECK has continuously expanded its position in the market. Thanks to the power of innovation from Eberbach and more than 60 dealers worldwide, SIEBECK machines are in operation on every continent in the world. In the 90’s an innovative expansion of the product range occurred at SIEBECK with the FR models developed especially for the meat industry. Up until then the applications of the tying technology were restricted to Non-Food products. A completely new market was created with this new range of models. In 2007, with Nico Siebeck the management of the company SIEBECK passes to the 4th generation. In 2009, just 2 years later, one of the greatest changes in the company’s history occurs. In order to meet the significantly increased demand, the company moves from the historical site in the Güterbahnhofsstraße to the Friedrichsdorfer Landstraße. After the move to the larger premises, in 2012 a further milestone was achieved. In this year the 10,000th machine went on the market. Since then Siebeck is Global Market Leader in tying technology. Just one year later, the tying technology division of the company Mosca was taken over. Well known Mosca models such as RA-A, RA-T and RA-TF will also still be supplied with replacement parts from SIEBECK, supported with services and continuously further developed in the form of the current product range.

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