Soya Milk Machine
  • Soya Milk Machine
  • Soya Milk Machine
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Soya Milk Machine

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This Soya Milk Machine has capacity to produce 1000 Liters of Soya Milk per hour. Larger system can be custom designed and built.

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Soya Milk Machine 1000 L/h

This Soya Milk Machine has capacity to produce 1000 Liters of Soya Milk per hour. Larger system can be custom designed and built. There is a very low installation and commissioning cost for this system.

ProSoya is a manufacturer of soya milk machine or soya milk making machine with production techniques to give soy milk a flavor, taste and consistency more closely resembling diary milk. We offer advanced technology, machine and equipment for producing great tasting soya milk beverages, tofu, yogurt and other soy foods, similar to those produced by its existing customers and licensees in 40 countries. We also provide know-how for soy milk products, including low calorie soy milk beverages in ESL and aseptic shelf stable packaging, soy milk extract, cultured products, and frozen desserts.

ProSoya technology used in its soya milk machine employs a patented process to produce a “non-beany” soy milk base of pleasant cereal-like taste. The lipoxygenase enzyme is responsible for the beany flavor of traditional Asian soya milk. The ProSoya process of airless cold grinding of soybeans in water keeps this enzyme dormant during the grinding phase to extract most soya solids in water. The enzyme is eventually inactivated along with the trypsin inhibitors while cooking the soya-water slurry. The process thus prevents the denaturing of soya protein and other solids and their adhesion to fibers in soybeans prior to or during their extraction into water, the problem common to all processes employing hot grinding of raw beans or cooked beans.

As a result, the soy milk yield of ProSoya’s process is excellent while providing high product functionality. Oxidation free grinding means better nutrition quality. Any residual off-flavors are stripped with vacuum deodorization equipment, which is provided with all but the smallest systems. This has advantage when soy milk is formulated into certain beverages and is unnecessary if soy milk is to be used to make soy milk powder, tofu, deserts, etc.