F 5000 - 6000
  • F 5000 - 6000
  • F 5000 - 6000
  • Novo

F 5000 - 6000

Contract price

Our F model series offers you a host of options – and one key advantage: All models will convince you with their extremely quiet operation.

F 5000 - 6000
Novo produto


The all-rounder

Do you favour a compact format or feel it’s importance to have a large capacity? Our F model series offers you a host of options – and one key advantage: All models will convince you with their extremely quiet operation.

The different models produce between 120 to 6,000 kg per day, depending on your particular requirement.
Our top models, the F 5000-6000 machines work with 2 evaporators and achieve an amazing daily output.
All models are equipped with the advantage of Funk EasyClean®.

  • features 2 evaporators for side ice delivery
  • ideal for large scale ice quantities