Roaster Series RG
  • Roaster Series RG
  • Roaster Series RG
  • Nuevo

Roaster Series RG

Contract price

Developed from the successful RFB series, the RG has been designed for roasting of specialties in smaller capacity ranges of up to 1,500 kg/h.

Roaster Series RG


Especially for slow and espresso roasting, it offers maximum flexibility in the selection of parameters (roasting time, roasting temperature) within its range of capacities. Even small batches can be roasted precisely.

Quality roasting for high demands
Reproducible bean quality
Gentle roasting without moving parts
Convenient operation via touch panel or plant control system
Individual aroma development which is adjusted to the respective provenance and meets the highest demands
Gentle low-temperature roasting
Energy-saving bypass concept
Optionally with catalytic exhaust gas cleaning
A powerful cooling system ensures the preservation of the aromas and prevents uncontrolled post-roasting. The roasting and cooling process can be monitored continuously.

The RG roasting system is available in different sizes up to 150 kg/batch and with different roasting capacities up to 1,500 kg/h.