Monofiller Stepper
  • Monofiller Stepper
  • Monofiller Stepper
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Monofiller Stepper

Contract price

The Monofiller Stepper is an entry level automatic filling and capping machine that fills up to  25-30 pouches per minute through the spout.

Monofiller Stepper
Nuovo prodotto


The Monofiller Stepper is an entry level automatic filling and capping machine that fills up to 25-30 pouches per minute through the spout. This machine is equally usable for the food or non-food industry. It can handle high viscous products and products with particles.

Examples of products to fill the pouch with

  • Food such as baby food, dips, hummus, sauces, peanut butter, honey, yoghurt, juices, alcoholic beverages.
  • Non- food such as gels, shampoo, lotions, soaps, conditioner, cleaners, softeners, automotive oils and adhesives
  • For larger volumes, Scaldopack can integrate a SI-40 spout insertor in the filling line. This allow to use unspouted pouches and thus reducing the cost of the packing operation. The spouts are inserted in the pouches and automatically fed into the Monofiller Stepper.

High quality fill trough the spout

The machine is to be configured and built according to the product the customer wishes to fill the pouches with, the filling conditions in which the proces takes place, CIP requirements, the size of the spouted pouches and the design of the spout or cap used. A range of options is possible to tailor the machine to the customers needs and wants.


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  • High quality fill trough the spout filling
  • 25-30 Packs per minute through the spout
  • Food and non food applications
  • Possibility to handle high viscous products and products with particles
  • Fully accessible from the front easy handling
  • Vertical capping
  • 230 V only
  • Alle movements are servo controlled