Sack Tip Module
  • Sack Tip Module
  • Sack Tip Module
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Sack Tip Module

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Formulate recipe batches directly into IBCs using the Matcon IBC Filling system.

Sack Tip Module
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Formulate recipe batches directly into IBCs using the Matcon IBC Filling system.

Formulate recipes offline away from the blending operation. Directly tip ingredients into IBCs in a contained manner, reducing the amount of dust compared to filling traditional fixed mixer systems.

The fully contained transfer of material into the IBC reduces the occurrence of spilled or wasted material.

An efficient, dust-tight way to fill IBCs quickly and efficiently from sacks.

Bring into the batch processing flow when ready.

Hygienic, easy to clean design for fast changeovers.

Features at a glance

Dust-tight formulation of recipe batches without risk of contamination.

A fully contained transfer of materials means that no product is spilled or leaked, thereby removing the risk of cross-contamination.

Hygienic, easy to clean design giving fast, efficient recipe preparation. High manufacturing efficiency rates as IBCs are formulated off-line and rapidly brought into blending without causing mixer down-time.

Traceability is achievable with check weighing and material tracking.

Full recipe formulation is possible including minor and micro ingredient additions.

Create a clean environment with dust-free transfers

  • Flatbed vibratory sieve & magnetic grate catch 'tramp' material.
  • Optional weigh platforms offer check weighing facilities.
  • De-coupled operation for maximum flexibility.

IBC Washing - clean and simple

The Matcon system is based on using Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) to transport powders between manufacturing steps and to blend powders to a homogenous mix.

Our IBC filling equipment is extensively used in the following industries:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Chemical
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Beverages and Mixes
  • Flavourings
  • Infant Nutrition
  • Bakery