Butter filter
  • Butter filter
  • Butter filter
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Butter filter

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Cricket filter design, equipped with large filtration area

Butter filter
Nouveau produit


Take out cocoa solids from butter (solids in butter stream before ‘bridging’ into cake)
Crude butter enters at bottom, butter single-passes through filter, clean butter leaves on top
Solids sediment as slurry at bottom
Slurry = rework to liquor tank ? no losses
Easy exchangeable filter candles from top via hydraulic hand pump for cover lifting
Completely closed design meets all GMP requirements
Long life span of the filtration material

When cocoa butter comes from the press, it is not totally free of cocoa solids. Royal Duyvis Wiener offers an easy to operate / clean and closed system that runs continuously and automatically. Inspection glasses or clarity measurement sensor shows a completely clear butter flow after filtering, ready for packing for sales of pure prime pressed cocoa butter. After filtration, cleaned butter is ready for further treatment for example in a deodorizer or blocking line for packaging.


The butter is pumped into the filter tank and when this is completely full the solids form a film on the filter cloths while the butter is pumped through the filter candles. The solids themselves form a film on the filter layer and the butter can be pumped through continuously. Depending on how much solid is present in the butter, this filtering continues until the resistance (pump pressure) through the filter becomes too high.

When the layer of solids onto the filter candles becomes too thick, the solids are automatically ‘backwashed’. The solids will drop to the cone-shaped bottom of the tank. When the maximum amount of solids in the tank’s conus is reached, these solids are discharged and pumped (slurry) back to the liquor storage or liquor grinding area for re-mixing in the cocoa liquor.

When the tank is completely empty, the entire filtering process is repeated. This process ensures a continuous flow of crystal-clear butter with minimum downtime.