Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA
  • Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA
  • Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA
  • Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA
  • Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA
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Hammer Mill Feeder TCDA

Contract price

Controls product inlet to hammer mill and avoids hammer mill blockage.




Features & Advantages

  • By using a diverter gate both sides of the beaters can be used
  • Simple design by a direct connection of the motor shaft to the rotor.
  • The inlet, which is installed at the front face of the hammer mill, will provide easy excess to replace the beater and the perforated sieve.
  • The hammer mill is installed on the rubber shock absorbers top prevent the vibration transmission to the foundation (floor)

Application Fields

At food industry
  • At flour mils for offal grinding
  • At feed mils for feed grinding and expeller cakes
  • At oil mils for exraction of meal, expeller cakes
  • At dehauling (peeling) plants for oat hulls and damaged (broken) rice.

Working Principle

The product is fed regularly into the hammer mill by means of a suitable feeder. The size of particles is reduced by means of a rotor with beaters, which catches the product. The beating process will go on until the particles are flung through the perforated sieve, which surrounds the rotor. Then the product is collected in a hopper.
The hammer mill can be directly installed above a silo so that the product can be directly discharged into the silo. In such case, the silo must be equipped with an aspiration system, at a minimum capacity of 10 cubic meters per minute. To protect the rotor and perforated sieve a powerful magnet ought to be erected before the hammer mill.