• Cheese vat
  • Cheese vat
  • Nuovo

Cheese vat

Contract price

Our engineers have designed the Kalt cheese vats in such a way that treatment of the curd is a fully automated process using a set recipe.

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Fully automated curd treatment
Gentle curd treatment and a high cheese yield are no coincidence but the result of innovative research and development at Kalt. Our engineers have designed the Kalt cheese vats in such a way that treatment of the curd is a fully automated process using a set recipe. The flow-optimized shape of the cheese vat and the sophis­ticated Kalt cutting and stirring tool ensure gentle treatment and uniform curd processing. This minimizes dust formation and generates an extremely high yield. It goes without saying that we comply with strict hygienic standards. Whey extraction takes place automa­tically, whereby our customers can choose between two options: extraction with the stationary or moving cutting and stirring tool.
Gentle curd treatment

Smart tool geometry
In the Kalt double-O cheese vat, several factors ensure that the curd is treated gently and evenly: the two cutting and stirring instruments move in opposite directions and extend beyond the axis of the other one when rotating. This ensures that no spots are missed during cutting and stirring. In addition, the arran­gement and size of the stirring paddles make operation possible at very low speeds – enabling a parti­cularly gentle cutting and stirring process.

Advan­tageous suspension of the cutting and stirring instrument
The geared motors positioned above the Kalt cheese vat are so sturdy that the cutting and stirring tools can be suspended directly from them. A lower bearing of the cutting and stirring instrument is not necessary, meaning that no flange connections are required in the inner tank. This eliminates the formation of lumps and bacte­rio­logical problems in these areas.

Screw-free design
The cutting blades of the cutting and stirring instrument are welded directly to the frame without tensioning screws. And there are otherwise no screws, cracks or other places for micro­or­ganisms to hide in the vat. At the customer‘s request, Kalt cheese vats even meet the strict hygiene regulations of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – and are certified accor­dingly.