Eccentric rounder + By-pass
  • Eccentric rounder + By-pass
  • Eccentric rounder + By-pass
  • Nuovo

Eccentric rounder + By-pass

Contract price

The RheoPan Rotaball® with bypass is a Rheopan line module.

Eccentric rounder + By-pass


It has the same rounding bells than other eccentric rounders of the MERAND range but has in addition a bypass. Eccentric rounders are very well suited for the final rounding of dough pieces after resting. The movement of these rounders repeats the baker gestures, allowing a great respect of the honeycomb structure of doughs, even very hydrated. Thanks to the integrated bypass, the dough loaves can go under the module to avoid rounding.



    Gears of the bell movements in grease bath

    Mobile machine on wheels and equipped with a locking device

    Bell and rings covered with an anti-adhesive synthetic strips coating

    Bell eccentricity adjustment to always get the same rounding precision

    Capacity: 1800 loaves / hour (depending on weight and type of dough)

    Rounding of dough pieces between 75g and 4000g


+ Variable speed control to adjust to your doughs

+ Integrated Bypass for either:

- The passage under the rounder to get on the conveyor belt Workbelt the dough pieces out from the divider (square breads, ciabattas ...)

- The passage under the rounder to bring the dough pieces straight to the moulder for long breads (baguettes, braided brioches…)

- the passage in the rounder to get the dough pieces on the conveyor belt Workbelt (big dough pieces, buns, ...)

- the passage in the rounder and then in the moulder for large short dough pieces (sandwich bread, batards...)