0970 Ringmount Ultra-Flat Weigh Modules
  • 0970 Ringmount Ultra-Flat Weigh Modules
  • 0970 Ringmount Ultra-Flat Weigh Modules
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0970 Ringmount Ultra-Flat Weigh Modules

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Ringmount compression weigh modules for conversion of tanks, vessels and hoppers into a scale.

0970 Ringmount Ultra-Flat Weigh Modules
Nouveau produit


Ringmount compression weigh modules for conversion of tanks, vessels and hoppers into a scale.

Low Profile

0970 Ringmount Weigh Modules have a very low profile due to use of a ring torsion compression load cell with self-aligning load pin. This feature allows weighing in applications were very little headroom exists.

High Accuracy

0970 Ringmount Weigh Modules are available with C3 or C6 OIML analog load cells. C6 OIML load cells provide the highest level of system accuracy available with analog industrial load cells.

Product Features

  • Capacity Range: 250gk-10t (550-22,000lb)
  • Ultra-Low Profile: Requires less headroom
  • Durable: 316 SS hardware standard
  • Safe: All safety features integrated
  • Fully approved: Global approvals standard

Built-in Safety Features

Safety features like Lift-off Protection and 360° Checking are built-in to the hardware design. Due to the 360° horizontal checking it does not matter how the weigh modules are orientated; easing installation layout.

Corrosion Resistant

0970 Ringmount Weigh Modules are provided with grade 316 stainless steel mounting plates standard; providing a high degree of corrosion resistance in harsh environments.