Dense Phase Vacuum Conveying
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Dense Phase Vacuum Conveying

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The RELCO® dense phase vacuum conveying system is ideally suited for conveying of fragile powders along with high rates transfer.

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The art of gentle conveying of fragile powders by vacuum. The RELCO® dense phase vacuum conveying system is ideally suited for this along with high rates transfer. The art is in the ability to control the powder velocity and pressure. One to stop powder from stalling the other to regulate the speed of powder moving. Every system is custom engineered based on the conveying parameters to provide the ideal solution.

Features & Benefits
    Special convey line valves for extended seat life
    Automatic control of conveying pressure
    Solenoid valves and regulators housed in SS cabinet
    Easy to upgrade to reverse pulse sock cleaning
    Easy opening for cleaning
    Instantaneous rates up to 60,000kg/hr (160,700lbs/hr)
    Short to medium conveying distance
    Gentle conveying of fragile agglomerated powders
    Suited to heat sensitive and abrasive powders
    Particularly suited to multiple sources
    Reduced convey line size vs lean phase

    Vacuum Pump
    Inline Filter
    Vacuum Receiver
    Pick-up Hopper / Pick-up from Silo

    Multiple sources to single destination
    Ideally suited for conveying from Silos
    Suited to low height sources
    Low product break down
    Great for handling fragile powders
    Instantaneous rates
    Up to 60,000kg/hr ( 160,700 lbs/hr)
    Typical conveying distances
    60m horizontal (197ft)
    18m vertical (59ft)
    Continuous conveying
    This is usually discouraged due to the rotary valve and the possibility of product contamination

Conveying Parameters
    Bulk Density
    Convey Rate
    Convey Route

Range Of Powders To Be Handled
    Whey Protein Concentrate
    Pick-Up Hopper Whey Protein Isolate
    Whole Milk
    Skim Milk
    Infant Formula