Acerca del vendedor

Tecnal SAS is a french company specialised in designing, manufacturing, and setting up dairy and cheese-making installations.Our know-how is exported worldwide for highly specialized productions:   Soft cheeses such as Camembert and BrieGoat cheesesFresh cheeses and LabnehSpecialty cheeses: Epoisses, Chaource, Brillat-Savarin, Saint-Félicien, Saint-Marcellin, Twarog,Panela, Cuartirolo, Havarti, Queso fresco, etc…Blue cheesesFetaCream CheeseCaseinYoghurtsLiquid yeasts, liquid leavens and other very viscous liquids used in industrial baking and catering   Tecnal is more than 100 people focusing their energy and passion through our engineering departments (Process, Mechanization, Electricity-Automation). It is more than 70 engineers, technicians, hydraulic, thermal, automation and mechanical specialists here to serve our customers by innovating and building successful dairy and cheese dairy production lines.Tecnal is also a cheese-making know-how acknowledged worldwide with a testing laboratory made available for our cheese-making customers in strictest confidence.Tecnal is a network of agents and industrial partners who enable us to provide turnkey solutions anywhere in the world.Tecnal is a network of partners that enable us to incorporate the latest technology, the latest developments applied to a constantly evolving cheese-making world.

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