Dry batch mixer
  • Dry batch mixer
  • Dry batch mixer
  • Nuovo

Dry batch mixer

Contract price

Highly reliable equipment, especially designed for high viscosity products



Dry batch mixer
  • Highly reliable equipment, especially designed for high viscosity products
  • Horizontal design with center discharge, jacketed for heating purposes, mounted on 4 load-cells
  • Double-shaft mixer for chocolate ingredients, based on crystal (DMS) or powder sugar (DMK)
  • Special design mixing elements for application of high-shear forces
  • Easy cleaning and for that reason quick product changes
Types Capacities [kg / hr]
Horizontal mixer type DM(S/K)-500 500 – 1.500
Horizontal mixer type DM(S/K)-1000 1.500 – 3.000
Horizontal mixer type DM(S/K)-1500 3.000 – 4.000
Horizontal mixer type DM(S/K)-2000 4.000 – 6.000
Horizontal mixer type DM(S/K)-3000 6.000 – 9.000

“An important step for your quality product”

The performance of pre-mixing is getting more and more important. To ensure the best performances of the downstream processes (roll-refining and / or ball mill) and for that reason the best product quality, an optimal and homogeneous mixing of the basic materials is a “must”.

The well-proven design for batch mix operation ensures just this, nothing more and nothing less.


Each unit can handle up-to 3 batches per hour, which ensures enough mixing time after ingredient dosing for a homogenous dough or paste. Ingredients that are used in chocolate or compound are highly viscous, meaning that mixing equipment used must have enough torque in order to thoroughly mix the various ingredients, and on industrial scale even in large batches.

Royal Duyvis Wiener can supply several type of batch mixers that are well-designed for this challenge. Each executed with 2 heavy-duty helical geared motors, designed in several batch sizes.

Our most powerful mixer type DMK is executed with even increased motor power, especially for powder sugar applications.