Layer formation device
  • Layer formation device
  • Layer formation device
  • Nuovo

Layer formation device

Contract price

Push or Pick & Place models

Nuovo prodotto


Designed from 1 to 10 lanes according to the requested production speed. Pushing type is available for the majority of the bottle (and jar) sizes, while a pick & place type, either with bells or inflatable tubes, is available for reverse tapered bottles and some special oval shapes.

The infeed lines are equipped with a pneumatic gate to hold bottles after their correct counting to form a row, while pushing guides are equipped with pneumatic device to allow the "quinconce" configuration of the layer pattern. Such guides are usually provided with a handwheel for a quick adjustment during job change operation. Non-round containers often require additional devices to allow their accumulation and avoid their falling on infeed lines.

A special trolley supplied upon request allows an easy and quick replacement of pushing and pick & place devices, thus to avoid the use of lifting cranes in areas with limited accessibility.