Tumbler for nitrites and additives with vacuum - B-400
  • Tumbler for nitrites and additives with vacuum - B-400
  • Tumbler for nitrites and additives with vacuum - B-400
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Tumbler for nitrites and additives with vacuum - B-400

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Tumbler to apply nitrites and additives with vacuum on hams and other meats model B-400.

Tumbler for nitrites and additives with vacuum - B-400
Nouveau produit


Tumbler to apply nitrites and additives with vacuum on hams and other meats model B-400.

To aplplicate nitrites and nitrates is a delicate operation.

Tradicionaly this operation is made by manual process and the final result never is equal for all Hams or loins.

This systhem give us a perfect process for the salt and nitrites with a slow massage for the product. Vacuum helps us for the additives infiltrating in the meat in a uniform quantity all over the ham, Loin or bacon.