Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Dosing system
  • Neuf

Dosing system

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From pneumatic vacuum conveying to micro dosing units, Kaak’s dosing systems are always custom made.

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Different dosing techniques are used for the transport of dry raw materials than for the dosing of liquids. An integrated manual scale in the control unit for weighing dosing hand components to be measured is handy. In short: in your organisation you will probably use various dosing techniques, with specific requirements for each technique.

Dosing systems
From pneumatic vacuum conveying to micro dosing units, Kaak’s dosing systems are always custom made. This means that our systems are fully tailored to the customer’s needs. Kaak offers total solutions that can replace or renew the entire dosing system, as well as solutions that can be integrated into the existing process. Curious about what Kaak can do for you? Contact us today!
Pneumatic vacuum conveying

It is perfectly clear that the raw materials must arrive at the right place in the right quantities. Yet there is a lot to optimise with technical applications. The transport of dry raw materials by means of pneumatic vacuum conveying is widely used by Kaak when it comes to process control and optimisation of the right quantities.

A pneumatic vacuum conveyor has significant advantages over a blower conveyor.

High accuracy / correct and consistent dough quality.

  •     Pneumatic vacuum conveying creates a constant product flow in the line. This ensures an accurate naval relative to the required weight.
  •     The welded weigh bunkers are mounted on a rigid stainless steel construction by means of a stable three-point weighing system.
  •     The compressed air-cleaned filter on the weighing bunker ensures a consistent low filter resistance.
  •     Pneumatic vacuum conveying does not increase the temperature of the raw materials. With a blower conveyor this is the case.

High operational reliability.

  •     Pneumatic vacuum conveying is less likely to cause blockages in the conveyor line.
  •     The components used are suitable for 24-hour production and have a high standing time and therefore low maintenance costs.

Hygienic design.

  •    With a vacuum conveyor there is no product leakage due to possible small leaks (e.g. on the filter cloth) caused by ageing or vermin, for example.
  •     When unloading in the dough bowl, the flour residues are blown off properly at the filters.
  •     Due to the consistent relatively low air temperature, the lubrication in the system is minimal.

Kaak builds and implements pneumatic vacuum conveyor systems.
Curious about what our knowledge of production processes and raw materials can mean for you? Feel free to contact us and we will make an appointment as soon as possible.
Manual dosing systems

Many of the processes that we automate are monitored. Each component (or as many as possible) is switched in line and monitored with an automation system like SmartBakery. Manual components can also be implemented in all these automatic processes.

A manual scale (capacity up to 50 kg) can be integrated into the control unit for weighing the dosing for manual components. The small components are therefore manually weighed and confirmed with an acceptance knob. The quantities are determined by recipe.