A proposito del venditore
Since 1984 FENCO designs, manufactures, installs and commissions complete lines for food processing and dairy industry, as well as various multiple effect evaporators, TVR or MVR, not only intended for the concentration of food fluids but for the recovery of waste waters from food and industrial processes too.
Like many companies located in the “food valley” of Parma and its province, FENCO was born as designer and manufacturer of equipment serving the tomato processing industry then expanding its business to machines and plants for the transformation of fruit into juice, purees and concentrates, to formulated products such as sauces and various drinks prepared according to specific recipes, to the milk industry with particular skill on the evaporation and crystallization process of whey intended for the production of powder, and in general to the heat treatment of food fluids particularly evaporators of all types and sizes, aseptic systems and pasteurizers as well as a wide range of special machines.
In addition, since 2006 FENCO has become the world leader in the design, construction and installation of spiral systems for the pasteurization, cooling and even freezing of products filled into flexible pouches pillow or stand-up type, bags of various sizes with or without cap, and other containers of various types. Machines of this type work successfully at the most renowned multinationals food companies in various countries.
Finally, thanks to the experience of its technicians, FENCO manufactured and installed in various parts of the world complete aseptic and non-aseptic lines, for the preparation of red and white sauces, vegetable soups, with or without particulate, for the production of retail finished products intended for fast-food chains, juices and fruit cocktails, on the base of specific recipes, with batch or continuous process.
We will be happy to meet you at our operational headquarter in Collecchio (Parma) Italy.
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Seller products
Dosing machines
Spinach Portioning Solutions – Blanched – Cooled Spinach
Spinach Portioning Solutions – Blanched – Cooled Spinach
Cooling equipment
Twist Spiral Pasteurizer & Cooler by WATER
Twist Spiral Pasteurizer & Cooler by WATER