A proposito del venditore

Highly appreciated food process systems Sordi was founded in 1881 by Melchiorre Sordi and its activity was developed in the chemical field, mainly applied to the realization of products for dairies. This is the field where the company results to be actually innovating as, the first in Italy, it defines and sets the technology for the production of liquid rennet up. From the very beginning, the liquid rennet produced by Sordi was welcomed not only in northern Italy, but also in Germany and Holland. In 1901 Sordi attends the local exhibition in Lodi as vanguard manufacturer and, besides introducing its own rennet, it starts manufacturing the first machines and plants for the milk processing industry: skimming machines (manual and motor-driven), ice making machines, machines for processing of milk and rennet as well as a lot of chemicals to be used in the relevant production processes. From this moment, Sordi is in the core of the Italian milk or dairy industry both, for the production/supply of rennet and as manufacturer of dairy machines (milk processing units, refrigerating machines, milk to casein processing equipment, bottles cleaning, bottles closures equipment) and of big production plants for the milk and dairy industries. Due to this important innovating activity in 1919 the company’s owner is entitled of the honours of Chevalier of Industry. In the early 20’s the son Carlo succeeds the father; in a few years important milk dairy plants are realized for the Società of Bonifiche Sarde, Consorzio Agrario Villa del Nevoso, Gaslini in Genoa, the Company Produttori Latte di Novara, the dairy Salil in Brescia, the Dairy Institutes of Lodi, the Dairy-Zootechnical Institute in Mantova, and plants abroad: Lisbon, Perù, United Stated, Argentina (in this country Sordi is entitled of the first prize during the Esposiciòn Internacional Lechera in Buenos Aires). In the early 60’s the company is controlled by the nephew Mario who, among the first in the world, sets up the production technology for UHT sterilized milk: the first “Steriplak” UHT plant by indirect exchange is realized in Lodi at the end of 60’s. During the 70’s Sordi develops the first mechanized cheese making lines with the memorable “Polimec” cheese vats, the first “Reinform” stretching machines for pasta filata cheese, the “Dripline” soft curd cheese making lines and the “Policurd” hard cheese making lines. The factory acquires a new production structure in Montanaso Lombardo. During the century, the company played an important role in the development of the milk dairy field and reaching with its own products all markets in the world. The trend to Sordi internationalization, started in the 20’s, is completed with the realization of plants in Northern Africa, Australia, Central and South America as well as in South-East Asia. From mid 80’s, the activity of Sordi also turns to food processing plants more generally and in particular with the supply of production lines for vegetable milks such as soy–rice milks and tofu, processing of fats and oils for margarine, tomato, fruits juices and drinks, beer lines, creams dosing lines and others. The company is now controlled by the fourth Sordi generation who is continuing the activity from 1996. Since ever, Sordi can supply know-how and vanguard technologies in the field of food processing but it is also an engineering company designing and realizing partial or complete turn-key plants all over the world. The company organization The design and manufacture activity is carried out in Italy, in Montanaso Lombardo (Lodi). The building has a total surface of over 6.000 m2 containing the mechanical workshop and the offices. The Company strength is given by its long and rich experience, supported by highly advanced instrumentation used both for the design of mechanical components and the engineering of complete lines. Highly qualified and skilled staff with specifical expertises. Engineers, consultants and technicians are always prepared to reply each specifical requirement for preparation and processing of liquid foods. The company structure: Commercial area with multi-languages staff, highly experienced and prepared to follow the customer from the first project stages until the complete project development.Our area managers are always supported by the competent assistants. Technical area. A team of engineers and skilled technicians takes care of the design of innovative machines and the engineering also monitoring the installation and realization works.Software and process engineers for the lines start-up complete the technical area. Purchase and production areas taking care of the projects development.The lines are manufactured and assembled in an internal mechanical workshop. Finance and control area for contractual and burocratic operations. A modern SAP system is installed for an effective control of management of all company phases: technical, manufacturing, logistics and estimates.

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