A proposito del venditore

PDominioni is a Company leader in the production of machines for fresh and dry pasta. Present on the market for about fifty years the Company has conquered the leadership in the major world markets thanks to the quality, to the reliability and to the high technologies of its machines. Situated on the large exhibit area, about 3000 square metres, thanks to the use of avant-guarde industrial machines, it is in the position of satisfying the requirements of a wide selection of clientele: shops, laboratories, pasta makers and industries. Technologically forward, the company PDominioni, is an absolute warranty in this field; it has become one of the “great industries”, going towards the future with all the right cards so to confirm the achievements gained. There is no need underline the importance and the seriousness of a company whose purpose is an always more carefull checking of this production, adding new improvements and the possibility of an increase of the capacity. PDominioni is, in a few words, a serious company, whose strength and development are based on an always more reliable production, but also on the proper training of its workers, meaning the people which will have to guarantee a consolidated future. Market oriented PDominioni has diversified its equipment including more that 100 models to produce all the shapes of filled and unfilled pasta with a range of hourly capacity from 20 to 2000 kg. able to satisfy all the customers demands. PDominioni supplies complete plants able to follow all the process in pasta producing from the automatic rav materials doser to the packaging otherwise single equipment to modernize or increase an existing capacity.

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