A proposito del venditore

Machines and equipments in stainless steel material for the food, cosmetic and chemical field For over 50 years, from generation to generation, the Giordan company has designed and manufactured systems and machineries made of stainless steel for the food, chemical and cosmetics industries. Our products are all "Made in Italy" items and we focus on production processes and raw materials quality. Our company offers competitive prices together with the possibility to buy tailor-made machineries, which are designes according to clients' needs. Over the years, the firm has heavily invested in premises and facilities expansion in order to strenghten the production and storage departments. Wa have paid particular attention to the development of the technical department by employing skilled designers and by using state-of-the-art software. Our aim is to continue to develop our production lines and enter into new markets assuring professionalism and services that have always identified ourselves.

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