F.lli Cuomo Macchine Industriali

A proposito del venditore

Cuomo is a family company which specializes in design and production of metal packaging and food processing machinery. Founded in 1964 by 3 brothers. Today the company is run by their sons and daughters covering different positions from administration to production and sales. Headquarters and factory are located in Nocera Inferiore in the south of Italy. The plant is about 11.000 sqm of which 4.500 sqm, covered.   The production includes: can making and food processing lines for food, twist-caps and lids/ends, especially designed to satisfy small, medium and large companies. They’re all designed and produced according to ISO quality standard. We can also supply you with our well-known wide range of spare parts. The workshop is equipped with the most modern tools and electronic working centres; with grinding machines, lathes, overhead cranes, a heat treatment room and an assembly shop.   We operate in four continents through both our sales dept. and our representatives who operate locally. Customers are always cared for, from the deal to the daily problems they may encounter, thanks to our skilled technicians who travel wherever needed.

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